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Developing Future Healthcare Workforce in Pakistan
1st Dec. 2020, 09:30-11:00 am GMT / 14:30-16:00 pm PST
Pakistan's health care workforce needs to be able to meet the needs of diverse populations. Thus, an appropriately prepared and skilled healthcare workforce is essential. As the world is now a global village, there is frequent movement of healthcare professionals within and between nations; this requires graduates to be able to not only work in their own country, but also work globally.
This interactive session explored the opportunities and challenges associated with upskilling Pakistan's future healthcare workforce.
To see the full video of the webinar, Click Here
On day 2, the webinar led by Dr Parveen Ali (UPSIGN Healthcare co-lead) explored the opportunities and challenges associated with upskilling Pakistan's future healthcare workforce. Dr Shabnum Sarfraz provided an overview of the current healthcare scenario in Pakistan and as well as recent efforts to manage healthcare during the rise of the COVID19 period. Professor Raisa Gul questioned whether Pakistan is self-sufficient with regards to the supply and demands of healthcare workforce. Professor Abdul Bari Khan discussed the usefulness of public private partnerships in provision of healthcare as well as the factors that affect such relationships.
Mr Mike Nithavrianakis spoke about opportunities available for ambitious healthcare partnerships between the UK and Pakistan and how further relationship between UK and Pakistan can be developed and strengthened.

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