Education + Arts Related

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Selected members of our network who work in Social Sciences, Arts Training/Education mentoring, gender equality and related topics
Name and Title: Madiha Sajid (UPSIGN lead on Education, Traning and Gender Equality)
Employer, City, Country: Imperial College London
Email: m.sajid@imperial.ac.uk
Expertise: Gender Equality Committee, Athena Swan (advancing women's careers in science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine (STEMM). and teacher training
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/madiha-sajid-90861119/?originalSubdomain=uk
Upsign Link: https://jadarr9.wixsite.com/mysite/madiha
Name and Title: Dr Maryam Rab
Employer, City, Country: British Council, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Email: Maryam.Rab@britishcouncil.org
Expertise: Women in higher education, qualitative Research, Education Research
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-maryam-rab-72bb9444
Name and Title: Dr.Ansa Madeeha Zafar,
Employer, City, Country: Government Sadiq College Women University, Bahawalpur, Pakistan
Email: dransa@gscwu.edu.pk
Expertise: Teacher, researcher and supervising the MS research students. My key expertise are synthesis of heterocyclic compounds. I want to work for education to educate and help people.
URL: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ansa-Zafar
Name and Title: Adil Mohammed Javed, CEO & Artistic Director
Employer, City, Country: Alchemy Arts Limited, Manchester, England
Email: adilmjaved@alchemyarts.co.uk
Expertise: Media Arts, Thought Leadership, empowering communities to make positive transformational change, Innovative health care solutions & reclaiming narratives of the BAME communities and using them to create social change.
URL: www.alchemyarts.co.uk
Education/ Mentoring/ Training
Name and Title: Dr Syed Waqas Hassan
Employer, City, Country: University of Wah, Wah City, Pakistan
Email: syedwhassan@yahoo.com
Expertise: Biotechnologist
Name and Title: Dr. Zaid G. Mohammadsalih
Employer, City, Country: University of Technology , Baghdad, Iraq
Email: Zaid.G.Mohammadsalih@uotechnology.edu.iq
Expertise: Physics, Polymer, composites, Polymer nanocomposites, Graphene and Graphene Oxide, Preparation,Characterization, and Properties of Polymers and Composites.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zaid-mohammadsalih-641383236/
Name and Title: Dr Imran Zawwar
Employer, City, Country: London, England
Email: imran.zawwar@cranfield.ac.uk
Expertise: Executive development strategist. Business Strategy, Digital and Innovation.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/izawwar

