AI and Digital Professionals

if you are in the UPSIGN Network and want to be added to this list in the near future, please fill in a google form and we will try to update this from time to time. https://forms.gle/9jMLa7ZFPzBwAe9HA
Selected members of our network who work in AI and Digital include the following;
Name and title: Prof Ashiq Anjum
Employer, City, Country: University of Leicester
Email: aa1180@leicester.ac.uk
Expertise: Machine Learning and many aspects of digital tech
URL: https://www.le.ac.uk/departments/informatics/people/professor-ashiq-anjum/professor-ashiq-anjum
Name and title: Dr Asiya Khan
Employer, City, Country: University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK
Email: Asiya.khan@plymouth.ac.uk
Expertise: ML and deep learning techniques in ORE, prediction and control, damage detection using computer vision, intelligent control
URL: https://www.plymouth.ac.uk/staff/asiya-khan
Name and Title : Mr Shabaz Darr
Employer, City, Country: Netcompany, Bradford, United Kingdom
Email: shabaz.darr@netcompany.com
Expertise: Microsoft Cloud services
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shabaz-darr-900b8361/
Name and Title: Zaigham Abbas Randhawa, researcher
Employer, City, Country: West Virginia University ,Morgantown, WV, USA
Email: zar00002@mix.wvu.edu
Expertise: Computer Vision, with a focus on biometrics, biomedical applications
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zaigham-randhawa-a043b9111/
URL: https://vision.csee.wvu.edu/
Name and Title: Dr Muneeb Imtiaz Ahmad
Employer, City, Country: Swansea University, Swansea, UK
Email: m.i.ahmad@swansea.ac.uk
Expertise: Human- robot interaction, human-computer interaction, human-agent interaction, AI/Machine learning for human-robot interaction
URL: shorturl.at/vFGY9
