UPSIGN Organises webinars and events throughout the year. These are mainly orgnaised by the leads and co-leads. Some important documents below
For the flowchart of what each person needs to do, please click here to reveal the information. You must study this and make sure you understand your role and that of others.
The lead webninar organiser but fill in the template and these documents (see flowchart to see where these are passed on and when)
Editors will then assign one of the UPSIGN media volunteer team to help sort out the branding and messaging for the event. As webinar orgnaiser, you would still be in overall charge to arrange speakers and chairs and other things and making sure that the event runs to time and is run to the highest standards.
please use this background image as the chairperson during the webinar (its a powerpoint but you can save as image and use it)
Some important documents below
Setting up Zoom for the event
There is a short video you can see if you can see if you click here but the main thing to also remember is as follows;
Use the upsignevents@gmail.com email to log in
All events should start with the standard template. Please do not alter this template at all (see video above)
Make sure to copy the link and the passcode for whatsapp as this can be used for attracting people at the last minute (we prefer they register on eventbrfite though)
Setting up Eventbrite for the event
There is a short video for eventbrite you can see if you can see if you click here but the main thing to also remember is as follows;
Use the upsignevents@gmail.com email to log in
All events should start with the standard template. Please do not alter this template at all (see video above)
Use royalty free image (from the lead organiser that should be in the above template) for the event page, not the flyer
Youtube loading of the video of the event
There is a short video for youtube loading you can see if you click here but the main thing to also remember is as follows;
Use the upsignevents@gmail.com email to log in
You must top and tail the video if you have video editing access
The top is just the approved flyer for up to 10 seconds
Get one of the EDITORS to check it before sharing it
Make it then publically visible to all and get the link
Whatsapp after the event
There is a short video for posting messages of the youtube video after the event click here
If you are not a member of the whatsapp groups that you need to post on, you can join them via the link here; see document on the right side and then post the message and then leave the whatsapp group.
You should post the message as a single message using standard text which is found in the main template that has to be filled out (above word document)
Website linking to youtube video of the event [only for web editors]
There is a short video for adding the content on mix to youtube that you can see if you click here but the main thing to also remember is as follows;
use the j.a.darr@ucl.ac.uk email to login to wix
webinar video links to youtube are added here https://jadarr9.wixsite.com/mysite/copy-of-ws-2020-video-wall-link-1
please take care to keep the same spacing on the page as other videos.